The White Tiger

Arts, entertainment, and media


  • White Tiger (comics), various Marvel Comics superheroes, including:
    • White Tiger (Hector Ayala), the first to use the name
    • White Tiger (Heroes for Hire), second
    • White Tiger (Kasper Cole), third
    • White Tiger (Angela del Toro), fourth
    • White Tiger (Ava Ayala), fifth
  • White Tigers (Beyblade), a team in the anime Beyblade

Film and TV

  • White Tiger (1923 film), a film directed by Tod Browning
  • White Tiger (1996 film), a film starring Gary Daniels
  • White Tiger (2012 film), a Russian WWII film
  • The White Tiger (2021 film), a Netflix film
  • Grambling's White Tiger, a US TV movie made in 1981, released as White Tiger in Europe


  • The White Tiger (Nathan novel), a 1987 novel by Robert Stuart Nathan
  • White Tiger, a 2006 novel by Kylie Chan
  • The White Tiger (Adiga novel), a 2008 novel by Aravind Adiga
  • The White Tyger, the third novel in Paul Park's A Princess of Romania series


  • White Tiger (band), an American glam metal band
  • "White Tiger" (song), a 2015 song by Izzy Bizu

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