The Trials of Brother Jero

Where is a place in the text that Jero is seen as a materialistic man and not a prophet of GOD?

were are the place in the text that jero is seen are a materialistic man and not a prophet of GOD

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From the text:

"I am glad I got here before any customers—I mean worshippers—well, customers if you like. I always get that feeling every morning that I am a shop-keeper waiting for customers. The regular ones come at definite times. Strange, dissatisfied people. I know they are dissatisfied because I keep the, dissatisfied. Once they are full, they won't come again. Like my good apprentice, Brother Chume. He wants to beat his wife, but I won't let him. If I do, he will become contented, and then that's another of my flock gone forever. As long as he doesn't beat her, he comes here feeling helpless, and so there is no chance of his rebelling against me. Everything, in fact, is planned."


The Trials of Brother Jero, pg. 14