The Outsiders

examine robert frost's poem, nothing gold can stay. what do you think the poem is saying? how mught this apply to the characters in the novel?

chapter 5

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The poem Nothing Gold Can Stay is Frost's way of telling us that things never stay the same; nothing lasts forever. Things don't look as good, they get old, they get tarnished, they get lost. Even the most beautiful parts of nature, like the flowers on a petal wither away and die. Life is like this. People change....... they get older, they experience things that change them and in the end they eventually die.

The meaning of the poem is that the things that are most beautiful in life are also the things that have the shortest lives. He says the first leaves of nature are their most beautiful and that Eden was the most beautiful place to live. Neither of these beautiful things survived.

I think the clearest illustration of this in the novel is Johnny's death. He was gold for a brief while, but then died. On a more hopeful note, it seems that maybe Ponyboy will be different. Maybe he will actually stay gold. We get this hope at the end of the book because (instead of going and fighting or anything like that) he turns to writing as an outlet for his emotions.

So Johnny was not able to stay gold, but maybe Ponyboy can.

when your a kid, you are gold because everything is new to you and as you grow up things become less new to you . you are still learning as a kind which means you are gold and have more to live for.


the book The Outsiders

this book is lit!

