The Great Gatsby

List the information about Gasby that help nick to find out about his past.pleas list two that are true and two that are false


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I'm not sure what you mean here. Are you asking how Nick finds out about his own past?

I asking about what information that help nick to find out gasby's past :)

Well, Gatsby tells Nick a few things about Oxford and the war. There are also multiple rumors about him. Nick really doesn't find the truth out until he meets Gatsby's father at the end of the novel. Nick learns how Gatsby came from a relatively poor background and wanted to improve himself beyond what anyone thought possible. Gatsby slowly raised himself out of his situation. Much of Gatsby's personal history can be found in Chapter six.

Well, Gatsby tells Nick a few things about Oxford and the war. There are also multiple rumors about him. Nick really doesn't find the truth out until he meets Gatsby's father at the end of the novel. Nick learns how Gatsby came from a relatively poor background and wanted to improve himself beyond what anyone thought possible. Gatsby slowly raised himself out of his situation. Much of Gatsby's personal history can be found in Ch. 6.

Well, Gatsby tells Nick a few things about Oxford and the war. There are also multiple rumors about him. Nick really doesn't find the truth out until he meets Gatsby's father at the end of the novel. Nick learns how Gatsby came from a relatively poor background and wanted to improve himself beyond what anyone thought possible. Gatsby slowly raised himself out of his situation. Much of Gatsby's personal history can be found in Chapter six.

Well, Gatsby tells Nick a few things about Oxford and the war. There are also multiple rumors about him. Nick really doesn't find the truth out until he meets Gatsby's father at the end of the novel. Nick learns how Gatsby came from a relatively poor background and wanted to improve himself beyond what anyone thought possible. Gatsby slowly raised himself out of his situation. Much of Gatsby's personal history can be found in Ch. 6.


My computer repeats. sorry.