The Glass Castle

7. Mom says that welfare “would cause irreparable psychological damage” to the kids. “Once you go on welfare, it changes you. Even if you get off welfare, you never escape the stigma that you were a charity case. You’re scarred for life” (188). What does

7. Mom says that welfare “would cause irreparable psychological damage” to the kids. “Once you go on welfare, it changes you. Even if you get off welfare, you never escape the stigma that you were a charity case. You’re scarred for life” (188). What does Mom mean when she says, “you’re scarred for life”? Connect to text

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I believe Mom is inferring that dependence on welfare is a source of shame, and that no matter what lies in your future, you always carry the stigma of having been a case of charity. In contrast, another opinion would be that once you get on welfare you never get off, you settle for the government check and never strive to better yourself.