The Enormous Radio

Describe the theme of financial independent in the story the invisible japanese gentleman

The invisible japanese gentleman

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In the story, The Invisible Japanese Gentleman, we see financial independence presented in two different ways. First, true financial independence, as evidenced in the character of the young man, who wishes to financially provide for his fiance, and who discusses taking a job with his uncle. This young man views financial independence as something he can count on..... something real. For him, a job means security and a way to provide for them when they are married.

The girl, on the other hand, has a distorted view of financial independence that is based upon hopes and dreams, rather than reality. She is willing to take someone else's word that her book will be successful, which leads her to believe that what she writes in the future will be as well. The notion of royalties is always possible, but it is as unlikely as it is possible..... an advance on a book is not something that can be depended upon in the future.


The Invisible Japanese Gentleman