The Crucible

On page 77, John Protor alludes to Pontius Pilate. Who is he talking about and why does he use Pontius Pilate's name?

On page 77, John Protor alludes to Pontius Pilate. Who is he talking about and why does he use Pontius Pilate's name?

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Pontius Pilate was a Roman prefect in the New Testament who refused to get directly involved with the crucifixion of Jesus. Although he clings to his belief that proof of witchery can be found in Salem, Hale appears more and more tentative about the results. He demonstrates a strong feeling of guilt for his actions, as shown by his reliance on what he grasps as indisputable evidence. Like Pontius Pilate, to whom Proctor compares Hale, he wants to play only a passive role in the proceedings without any feeling of personal responsibility. Hale's growing disillusionment foreshadows his later repudiation of the court's actions.
