The Chocolate War

in what ways is the football tryout similar to warfare? what images reinforce this comparison?

chapter 1 football tryout

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In this opening chapter we meet the main character of the story: Jerry Renault. He is 5’9”, 145 pounds, and trying out for his high school’s football team. He is repeatedly hit and knocked down. He experiences grueling pain. The coach asks him why he wants to play football and tells him he is too skinny. The coach says he should not try out for quarter back because he would make a better end.

The coach tells him to show up the next day. As Jerry walks back to the school, his whole body is consumed by pain. He thinks about his mother right before she died, and how she did not recognize anyone. When he reaches the school bathroom, he vomits.

In this opening chapter we meet the main character of the story: Jerry Renault. He is 5’9”, 145 pounds, and trying out for his high school’s football team. He is repeatedly hit and knocked down. He experiences grueling pain. The coach asks him why he wants to play football and tells him he is too skinny. The coach says he should not try out for quarter back because he would make a better end.

The coach tells him to show up the next day. As Jerry walks back to the school, his whole body is consumed by pain. He thinks about his mother right before she died, and how she did not recognize anyone. When he reaches the school bathroom, he vomits. Poor Jerry.