The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

What do the fragments of conversation between Bruno’s parents the night of the Fury’s visit reveal about the move to Out-With


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Chapter please? I believe this is a Chapter Eleven question?

What do the fragments of conversation between Bruno's parents the night of the fury visit reveal about the move to out with



What do the fragments of conversation between Bruno’s parents the night of the Fury’s visit reveal about the move to Out-With?

What do the fragments of conversation between Bruno's parents on the night the Fury hosts reveal about the move to Put-With?



The fragments of conversation between Bruno's parents the night of the Fury's visit reveal that both the mother and father were asked to move out of Berlin to another place, which none of them liked. It also reveals that there was no option given to them and they had to move to out-with. If they didn't agree to move to this new town, his father couldn't continue in his job with German army and he would be taken away and treated badly.


The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas