The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Does the friendship between Bruno and Shmuel evolve in the story? How?

The friendship between Bruno and Shmuel does evolve throughout the story at multiple points. It starts out as a mere discovery on Bruno’s part, but Bruno realises how much he misses having a soulmate to talk to, so he continues to visit. On these visits, after noticing how skinny and hungry Shmuel looks he has been bringing food but losing self-control and eating it on the way to satisfy his own growing stature. He soon realises that Shmuel needs it more, and brings it to him untouched. This is an important point in the relationship because it shows Bruno’s acceptance of some difference between them. Their conversations are an interesting study too, as we can tell through the things that they discuss that they are becoming more accustomed and trusting of one another. An important development of the relationship is where Bruno makes the mistake of being disloyal to Shmuel and denying knowing him to avoid getting into trouble. This is offensive and hurtful to Shmuel, and Bruno realises his mistake soon, but cannot mend it because Shmuel does not appear at the fence again right away. When Bruno apologises, he shows that he accepts that he made a mistake, and that he does really care about his friend. This is probably a huge contributing factor to Bruno deciding to enter the camp and help him find his father in the end which leads to his death. After his disloyalty to Shmuel he feels obligated to do the right thing and make up for it by helping out.

?? Make sense at all?? what to add??

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Last updated by Nicole S #787293
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Yes, Bruno calls Shmuel his best friend in chapter 20. Also in chapter 20, Shmuel brings Bruno a pair of striped pajamas and Bruno goes on the other side of the fence.