The Book Thief

why do you suppoe the narrator flashed forward to rudy steiner's death? do you think this knowedge improves or lessens your appreciation of the book?

part five discussion questions

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Death likes to play tricks on the reader....... he makes us believe that we already know everything, but we don't. He likes to keep us hopping.

Does it improve my appreciation of the book? Well, not really, but it does serve to make things a bit more interesting when the rest of the story unfolds.


The Book Thief

Death likes to play tricks on the reader ... itβ€˜s as if he is teasing us. He does state, however, that there is no point in hiding death because it is something that happens to all of us. He is illustrating the point that it is not the destination, but the journey that is important – it is not how you die, but how you live that makes you the person you are.