The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

In what ways are people gullible? What makes them gullible

In these chapters Twain satirizes the gullibility of the townspeople who believe an imposter like the king, but, ironically, do not believe Dr. Robins. Compare the gullibility of the townspeople to people in today’s world. In what ways are people gullible? What makes them gullible? Explain your answer.

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The answer to this can be as simple or as involved as you want to make it. In all of history, people believe what they want to believe, so in essence the person telling them what they want to hear is the one they want to listen to. In the case of the King, his lies are more attractive than the simple truths laid out by the doctor. They don't want to hear what the doctor has to say, so they tune him out and listen to lies.