Chemistry 10th Edition

Published by Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.
ISBN 10: 1133610668
ISBN 13: 978-1-13361-066-3

Chapter 28 - Some Nonmetals and Metalloids - Exercises - Conceptual Exercises - Page 1083: 76


The two extra electrons in the sulfite ion, SO$_3^{2–}$, cause its shape to be different from the SO$_{3}$ molecule. The SO$_3^{2–}$ ion is trigonal pyramidal with 4 regions of high electron density, whereas the SO$_{3}$ molecule is trigonal planar.

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The two extra electrons in the sulfite ion, SO$_3^{2–}$, cause its shape to be different from the SO$_{3}$ molecule. The SO$_3^{2–}$ ion is trigonal pyramidal with 4 regions of high electron density, whereas the SO$_{3}$ molecule is trigonal planar.
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