Chemistry 10th Edition

Published by Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.
ISBN 10: 1133610668
ISBN 13: 978-1-13361-066-3

Chapter 27 - Metals II: Properties and Reactions - Exercises - Properties and Chemistry of the Metals - Page 1054: 34


The following are properties of most d-transition elements: (1) All are metals. (2) Most are harder, more brittle, and have higher melting points and boiling points and higher heats of vaporization than nontransition metals. (3) Their ions and compounds are usually colored. (4) They form many complex ions. (5) With few exceptions, they exhibit multiple oxidation states. (6) Many of the metals and their compounds are paramagnetic. (7) Many of the metals and their compounds are effective catalysts.

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The following are properties of most d-transition elements: (1) All are metals. (2) Most are harder, more brittle and have higher melting points and boiling points and higher heats of vaporization than nontransition metals. (3) Their ions and compounds are usually colored. (4) They form many complex ions. (5) With few exceptions, they exhibit multiple oxidation states. (6) Many of the metals and their compounds are paramagnetic. (7) Many of the metals and their compounds are effective catalysts.
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