Schindler's List

In the film, the Nazi commandant Goeth describes Jewish people as "vermin" and as "rats." In this depiction of the Jews, Goeth is following the tenets of Nazi propaganda which were ceaselessly pounded into the minds of people in Nazi Germany and in the o

In the film, the Nazi commandant Goeth describes Jewish people as "vermin" and as "rats." In this depiction of the Jews, Goeth is following the tenets of Nazi propaganda which were ceaselessly pounded into the minds of people in Nazi Germany and in the occupied territories. Why did the Nazis depict the Jews as "vermin" and as "rats?" What purpose did it serve them?

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This propaganda eventually served to convince masses of people that the Jews were little more than animals...... and undesirable animals at that. This picture of the Jewish people allowed for millions of Jewish deaths.