Number the Stars

How did annemarie and ellen react when the soldiers stopped them as they raced to the corner after school

The book number The Stars in between Chapter 1-3

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They know the soldiers are a danger. One day, Annemarie, Ellen, and Annemarie’s five-year-old sister Kirsti walk home from school. Annemarie and Ellen decide to race, but two German soldiers stop them on the corner near their apartment building. The Germans question Annemarie about why she is running, but Kirsti manages to defuse the moment with her comically rude behavior.

How did Annemarie and Ellen react when the soldiers stopped them as they raced to the corner after school? What was Kirsti reaction ? Why do you think her reaction was different from that of the older girls?

They were super scared because they knew that the soldiers were dangerous, and they thought they would get into trouble.

?Why was it important for the girls to be “one of the crowd ‘’ when facing nazi soldiers ?

It was important for the girls to be " one of the crowd " when facing the nazi soldiers because if they weren't careful on how they acted they wouldn't be alive.


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