Merchant of Venice

What makes the court scene in the merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare dramatic and how does scene affect the outcome of the play ?

What makes the courtroom scene dramatic in the merchant of Venice with reference to the play and what affect does it have on the outcome of the play with reference to the play

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It is dramatic because the audience is trying to figure out what will happen between Shylock and Antonio. Portia, disguised as a lawyer, puts for a wise argument and ultimately shows that this can be settled to the favor of Antonio, who is a Christian. However, the problem has not been resolved at the beginnning of the act; the reader follows and follows the court drama so that suspense is built. When Shylock is "tricked" into getting his "pound of flesh," we see that Shylock is bound to his outcome of becoming a Christian and accepting that he has been given only one path to follow to tie up the story at the end.