Lord of the Flies

Urgently answer it please dudes!! What may the conch being destroyed in chapter 11 suggest? What other symbols are there in the story? What do they mean to the different characters?

What may the conch being destroyed in chapter 11 suggest? What other symbols are there in the story?What do they mean to the different characters?

Could you answer it detailly because I have presentation from those questions and I havent read Chapter 11.

Thank you for all.

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Last updated by Aslan
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You have a few questions here. This is only a short answer forum but I can make a general comment.

The conch's destruction represents the death of civilization and democracy. It is fittingly destroyed when Piggy was killed. Piggy revered the conch for what it symbolized. It represented the old world: the world of adults. Although most of the boys lost respect for the conch a long time ago, Piggy believed in it until the end.

Please submit your other questions one a t a time.

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