Lord of the Flies

Ralph says to Piggy, in relation to the recent events: "You were outside. Outside the circle. You never really came in..." In what way can this be used as a general statement? Ralph continues and says ..."Didn't you see what we-what they did?" Explain the

Chapter 10 The Shell and the Glasses

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As the new leader of the boys, Jack maintains his authority by capitalizing on the fears and suspicions of the others. Even when presented with information that the figure on the mountain is not harmful, Jack continues to promote fear of the dreaded beast. Like many tyrants, his rules are based on a strict distinction between insiders and outsiders: the insiders are his tribe, and the outsiders are their common enemies: the beast and the boys on the island who reject Jack's authority. His methods of rule are entirely exclusionary, and they fail to provide that first role of government, the security and the safety of the group, even while Jack purports to be able to provide protection from the beast and other enemies. The formal declaration by the guard that visitors must announce their presence does nothing to improve the boys' safety.

