Lord of the Flies

How does the shift in point of view at the end of this novel change the image of the boys’ war?

All details appreciated. Thank you in advance!!!

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The Navel Officer represents the adult world (point of view shift) and hence brings a definite stop to the story. He is Golding's deus ex machine or "God in the Machine". The Navel officer literally comes out of nowhere and ends Golding's social experiment. The Naval officer is everything the boys should have been but weren't. The officer represents the height of civilization; he is clean, disciplined and bewildered at the spectacle in front of him. Ralph, and the other boys, are wild, dirty and caught in their own world of savage destruction. The scene is like a reverse mirror. It shows the result (sailor) of a regulated world of learning, rules and maturity. The filthy boys represent a world that is unregulated where human nature is left to develop as it pleases, perhaps as it really is.