Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

how does the death of his parents influence harry's character?

how does

the death of his parents influence harry's character?

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The death of Harry's parents is the catalyst that shapes the entire course of Rowling's narrative. Without their death, Harry would not have spent his childhood with the neglectful Dursleys nor would have entered Hogwarts with little knowledge of his background or importance in the wizarding world. More importantly, the death of his parents gives Harry an impetus for his hatred of Voldemort and ensures that, despite his similarities to the Dark Lord, he will never be seduced by the power of the Dark Arts. The absence of his parents in Harry's life also distinguishes him from the other students: he has endured a loss that none of them can understand, and this sense of isolation and martyrdom will become crucial aspects of later books.



The death of Harry's parents is the catalyst that shapes the entire course of Rowling's narrative. Without their death, Harry would not have spent his childhood with the neglectful Dursleys nor would have entered Hogwarts with little knowledge of his background or importance in the wizarding world. More importantly, the death of his parents gives Harry an impetus for his hatred of Voldemort and ensures that, despite his similarities to the Dark Lord, he will never be seduced by the power of the Dark Arts. The absence of his parents in Harry's life also distinguishes him from the other students: he has endured a loss that none of them can understand, and this sense of isolation and martyrdom will become crucial aspects of later books.



The death of Harry's parents is the catalyst that shapes the entire course of Rowling's narrative. Without their death, Harry would not have spent his childhood with the neglectful Dursleys nor would have entered Hogwarts with little knowledge of his background or importance in the wizarding world. More importantly, the death of his parents gives Harry an impetus for his hatred of Voldemort and ensures that, despite his similarities to the Dark Lord, he will never be seduced by the power of the Dark Arts. The absence of his parents in Harry's life also distinguishes him from the other students: he has endured a loss that none of them can understand, and this sense of isolation and martyrdom will become crucial aspects of later books. The Dark Lord uses magical powers to kill people like Harry's parents. Harry didn't know his mother or father before they died. What Harry does not know is when he'll become a wizard, nor will he ever get to have any friends during his 7 years at Hogwarts. Lord Voldemort has much power and ruling over anybody who tries to overcome his power as the dark lord. Harry has no social skills with people he doesn't know. The absence of Harry's parents have had lots of effect over living with the Dursley's. Thus, Harry will need to figure out a way for himself to take power over his aunt and uncle and cousin.

Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father, the deatheater, works for Lord Voldemort too. (Just in case you didn't know that).


harry potter book

The death of Harry's parents is the catalyst that shapes the entire course of Rowling's narrative. Without their death, Harry would not have spent his childhood with the neglectful Dursleys nor would have entered Hogwarts with little knowledge of his background or importance in the wizarding world. More importantly, the death of his parents gives Harry an impetus for his hatred of Voldemort and ensures that, despite his similarities to the Dark Lord, he will never be seduced by the power of the Dark Arts. The absence of his parents in Harry's life also distinguishes him from the other students: he has endured a loss that none of them can understand, and this sense of isolation and martyrdom will become crucial aspects of later books. The Dark Lord uses magical powers to kill people like Harry's parents. Harry didn't know his mother or father before they died. What Harry does not know is when he'll become a wizard, nor will he ever get to have any friends during his 7 years at Hogwarts. Lord Voldemort has much power and ruling over anybody who tries to overcome his power as the dark lord. Harry has no social skills with people he doesn't know. The absence of Harry's parents have had lots of effect over living with the Dursley's. Thus, Harry will need to figure out a way for himself to take power over his aunt and uncle and cousin.

Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father, the deatheater, works for Lord Voldemort too. (Just in case you didn't know that).