Gulliver's Travels

houynhms live simply lives wholly devoted to reason they spent clearly they act justify and they have simple laws.consement

why are the houyhnhnms live so simple life?

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Gulliver has come to love the Houyhnhnms, their society, and their way of living. He writes, "I had not been a Year in this Country, before I contracted such a Love and Veneration for the Inhabitants, that I entered on a firm resolution never to return to human Kind, but to pass the rest of my Life among these admirable Houyhnhnms in the Contemplation and practice of every Virtue."Unlike all the other places Gulliver visited, Houyhnhnms were good and enlightened. They showed no real malice or greed. Gulliver is enchanted with them. They did not covet another's things and lived a simple life of work and quiet contemplation.