Girl With a Pearl Earring

At what point in the plot do we get a sense of Vermeer's ambivalent emotions towards his young servant.

I got this a practice study question, and at first, I immediately recalled the first time Vermeer and Griet meet and she was cutting vegetables but I think Vermeer was just drawn to her then, I don't think there were any actual emotions there other than curiosity and bit of amazement because there was someone who saw the same way he did without even trying to impress him. I believe that Vermeer actually began developing emotions when he found out about the attention wither Pieter or van Ruijven (whichever came first) was giving her. I'm basing this solely on Van Leeuwenhoek's warning to Griet about how Vermeer's interest in her was sparked only because van Ruijven was interested in her and this was just a power thing. This is just my opinion but I don't have much from the book to back this up. Is there another possible answer to this question?

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