Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Theme of Upheaval


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The theme of upheaval or trauma is everywhere in this novel. The 09/11 attacks are the prime example of trauma which affects every main character. However, Foer also explores other historical atrocities. The Dresden bombings not only provide insight into what Thomas Jr. may have felt during his final hours, but also foreshadow the deep impact of such large scale trauma on the psyche of a fragile mind, like Oskar’s. The quest for the key's lock provides Oskar a chance to work through his fears, to ease himself away from the trauma of the attacks.

On a large scale, the novel tackles post 09/11 America without questioning the attacks or the ethics of its aftermath (the War on Terror). In other words, the novel explores the personal trauma that results from atrocity, rather than the political ramifications. The plot concerns itself with the effect of 09/11 on the Schell family, touching on themes like unity and identity which certainly resonate with that period, but which are grounded in a limited experience here.

