El Extraño Caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde

Analiza los posibles significados y la relevancia de los nombres Utterson, Jekyll y Hyde en el contexto de la novela.

Analiza los posibles significados y la relevancia de los nombres Utterson, Jekyll y Hyde en el contexto de la novela.

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Hyde’s name is significant because he is both a character man and Dr. Jekyll's other half (the one that's hiding).

Jekyll- in French his name means Je (I) kyll (kill).

Utterson - Perhaps: Utterson- to not utter something is not to say anything and during this novel he does not speak to the police anything of the connection from Hyde to Jekyll

I see this is about Jekyll and Hyde but unfortunately my Spanish isn't very good.

In English: Discuss the possible meanings and relevance of the names Utterson, Jekyll, and Hyde in the context of the novel.