Agnes Scott College

Give me the origin, history of the words year, day, month, season and date ?

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year (n.)

O.E. gear (W.Saxon), ger (Anglian) "year," from P.Gmc. *jæram "year" (cf. O.S., O.H.G. jar, O.N. ar, Dan. aar, O.Fris. ger, Du. jaar, Ger. Jahr, Goth. jer "year"), from PIE *yer-o-, from root *yer-/*yor- "year, season" (cf. Avestan yare (nom. sing.) "year;" Gk. hora "year, season, any part of a year," also "any part of a day, hour;" O.C.S. jaru, Boh. jaro "spring;" L. hornus "of this year;" O.Pers. dušiyaram "famine," lit. "bad year"). Probably originally "that which makes [a complete cycle]," and from verbal root *ei- meaning "to do, make."



O.E. dæg "day," also "lifetime," from P.Gmc. *dagaz (cf. O.S., M.Du., Du. dag, O.Fris. dei, O.H.G. tag, Ger. Tag, O.N. dagr, Goth. dags), from PIE *dhegh-. Not considered to be related to L. dies (see diurnal), but rather to Skt. dah "to burn," Lith. dagas "hot season," O.Prus. dagis "summer." Meaning originally, in English, "the daylight hours;" expanded to mean "the 24-hour period" in late Anglo-Saxon times. Day off first recorded 1883; day-tripper first recorded 1897. The days in nowadays, etc. is a relic of the O.E. and M.E. use of the adverbial genitive.


month (n.)

O.E. monað, from P.Gmc. *menoth- (cf. O.S. manoth, O.Fris. monath, M.Du. manet, Du. maand, O.H.G. manod, Ger. Monat, O.N. manaðr, Goth. menoþs "month"), related to *menon- "moon" (see moon (n.); the month was calculated from lunar phases). Its cognates mean only "month" in the Romance languages, but in Germanic generally continue to do double duty. Phrase a month of Sundays "a very long time" is from 1832 (roughly 7 and a half months, but never used literally).


season (n.)

c.1300, "a period of the year," with reference to weather or work, from O.Fr. seison (Mod.Fr. saison) "a sowing, planting," from L. sationem (nom. satio) "a sowing," from pp. stem of serere "to sow" (see sow). Sense shifted in Vulgar Latin from "act of sowing" to "time of sowing." In Old French and Old Provençal this was extended to "season" in general (sowing season being the most important). Season ticket is attested from 1820.

season (v.)

"improve the flavor of by adding spices," c.1300, from O.Fr. assaisoner "to ripen, season," from root of season (n.) on the notion of fruit becoming more palatable as it ripens. Applied to timber by 1540s. In 16c., it also meant "to copulate with." Related: Seasoned. Seasoning (n.) is from 1570s.


date (n.3)

"liaison," 1885, gradually evolving from date (n.1) in its general sense of "appointment;" romantic sense by 1890s. Meaning "person one has a date with" is from 1925.

date (v.1)

"to mark (a document) with the date," late 14c., from date (n.1). Meaning "to assign to or indicate a date" (of an event) is from c.1400. Meaning "to mark as old-fashioned" is from 1895. Related: Dated; dating.

date (n.2)

the fruit, late 13c., from O.Fr. date, from O.Prov. datil, from L. dactylus, from Gk. daktylos "date," originally "finger, toe;" so called because of fancied resemblance between oblong fruit of the date palm and human digits. Possibly from a Semitic source (cf. Heb. deqel, Aram. diqla, Arabic daqal "date palm") and assimilated to the Greek word for "finger."
