A Long Way Gone

Why after their escape, does Ishmael and his companions risk sneaking back into matter Jong? Were their efforts worth the risk?

Why after their escape, does Ishmael and his companions risk sneaking back into matter Jong? Were their efforts worth the risk?

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As hunger begins to afflict them, they search abandoned villages for food, but find little worth eating. Soon they decide that the only way to get food is to return to Mattru Jong for their money so that they can buy some at the first market they find.

Was it worth it? No, although the boys were delighted at their second escape from Mattru Jong, this time with money, they faced disappointment upon their arrival at a nearby village. Despite the smell of cooking food, there was nothing to eat available for sale as the villagers were saving the food for themselves in case their fortunes took a turn for the worst. That night the boys turned to stealing others’ food in order to survive the night.

