A Long Walk to Water

What clues did we have along the way that hinted at this ending? Write down at least 2 page numbers where you found them.

long walk to water

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Page numbers are not always the same but I can give you the chapter. I would consider chapter 17.

On the plane home, Salva gets an idea of how he can help the people of Sudan. He begins to work on it once in Rochester. There seem to be a million problems to solve but he has a lot of help.

It is more work than he imagined, and the months pass. He realizes he has to raise money and the only way he can do this is by telling his story. The first time he does this is in a school cafeteria, and while he is nervous, the sight of children’s faces bolsters him.

Three years pass. Salva has spoken many times to hundreds of people. Whenever he becomes weary or frustrated, he remembers his uncle’s counsel of taking one step at a time.