Was the Cat in the Hat Black? Irony

Was the Cat in the Hat Black? Irony

The irony of the title ‘Was the Cat in the Hat Black?’

The title of this book is entirely satirical because all the characters involved are white. The book is written during a time when racial discrimination is prevalent in America. The idea is that the Cat might be black to signify the black people, but the Cat turns white.

The irony of inclusivity

Nel wants to convince readers that his book is entirely focused on condemning racism. Ironically, the contrary might be true because the only elements discussed in his book are entirely dominated by the whites. Therefore, the idea of diversity is just an imagination in Nel’s head.

The irony of Philip Nel

Philip Nel is the author of 'Was the Cat in the Hat Black' and claimed that his work is entirely focused on embracing diversity. Interestingly, Nel argues that Dr. Seuss's literature misleads children because it is not inclusive.

The irony of actual African Americans

According to Nel's assumptions, African Americans who behave like Americans in all aspects are not racially discriminated against. For instance, the character the Cat portrays all the African American traits. Ironically, despite behaving as real Americans, African Americans still face racial discrimination that is designed to alienate them.

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