The Sea-Wolf



Jack London's novel has been adapted for motion pictures:

  • The Sea Wolf (1913), a silent motion picture starring Hobart Bosworth, with author Jack London appearing as an unnamed sailor
  • The Sea Wolf (1920), a silent motion picture starring Noah Beery (Larsen) and Tom Forman (Van Weyden)
  • The Sea Wolf (1926), a silent motion picture starring Ralph Ince and Claire Adams (Maud)
  • The Sea Wolf (1930), starring Milton Sills and the former USRC Bear as the sealer Macedonia
  • The Sea Wolf (1941), starring Edward G. Robinson (Larsen), Ida Lupino (Ruth), and John Garfield
  • Wolf Larsen (1958), starring Barry Sullivan and Peter Graves
  • Der Seewolf (Germany, 1971, TV, 4 part miniseries), starring Raimund Harmstorf and Edward Meeks
  • Legend of the Sea Wolf (Italy, 1975), starring Chuck Connors and Giuseppe Pambieri
  • Morskoj volk (USSR, 1990, TV), starring Liubomiras Lauciavicius and Andrei Rudensky
  • The Sea Wolf (1993, TV), starring Christopher Reeve and Charles Bronson
  • The Sea Wolf (1997), starring Stacy Keach
  • The Sea Wolf (ProSieben, Germany, 2008), starring Thomas Kretschmann[13]
  • Sea Wolf (ZDF, Canada/Germany, 2009), starring Sebastian Koch, Stephen Campbell Moore, Neve Campbell and Tim Roth. Produced by TeleMünchen[14]


Screen Director's Playhouse adapted - The Sea Wolf - Edward G. Robinson re-creates his role of the amoral sea captain Wolf Larsen for radio on Feb. 3, 1950

The book was adapted in four hour-long episodes for BBC Radio 4 by Ed Thomason, and was first broadcast in 1991. It featured Jack Klaff as Wolf, Kerry Shale as Van Weyden and Ian Dury as Mugridge.[15]

The comic book The Sea Wolf by Riff Reb's is based on London's novel. It was published in French in 2012 and received the Prix de la BD Fnac.[16] An English translation appeared in 2014.[17]

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