The Poems of Patience Agbabi Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Poems of Patience Agbabi Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Holes - “Unfinished Business”

The speaker in “Unfinished Business” states, “they…put five holes in my daughter.” The daughter was a casualty of a felonious incident whereby she was hit with gunshot at five intervals. The holes signify the fatal bullet shots.

‘Blackened-out Car park’ - “Unfinished Business”

The blackness in the car park epitomizes calamity. The carpark replicates a disconsolate atmosphere that could be accredited to the widespread delinquency around the area.

Sugar - “The Doll’s House”

Sugar embodies alluring aesthetics. The speaker states, “The floor is sugar glazing clear as a frozen lake.” The symbolic sugar elicits engaging aesthetics that mesmerizes the viewer. The sugariness is analogous to the enthralling impact of architecture.

April - “Prologue (Grime Mix)”

April represents the speaker’s compelling muse. The speaker confirms, “ I know we’re predestined to make music; my muse, she inspires me,/though my mind’s overtaxed, April fires me, /how she pierces my heart to the fond root/till I bleed sweet cherry blossom en route/to our bliss trip.” April stimulates the speaker to craft works voluntarily. The speaker’s ingenuity optimizes in April because the speakers philosophies are harmonious during that month.

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