The Man Who Wore His Wife's Sarong Quotes


“He’s bewitched. It is that vixen. Please, Wong Sifu, help me. The family .. the … the scandal will ruin his father. Please, Sifu.”


Robina is a troubled woman because her marriage is collapsing. Her husband, Robert Lee, is cheating on her with another woman. Robert is not ready to take on family responsibilities. Robina says this statement when she goes to make a follow up of her investigative request to Cha-li. Initially, Robina had directed Cha-li to conduct a private investigation to determine which woman Robert Lee is having a secretive affair with. Robina reveals that Robert Lee is an irresponsible father, and he has debts that her father-in-law is not aware of. Therefore, Robina is requesting Cha-li to help her with a ritual cleanser to sought out her marital issues.

"Come on, Saddam, boy. Okay, okay!”


Cha-li wants to up her game in investigating Robert Lee. She has been following Robert Lee, but this time she wants to view him without any suspicion better. Saddam is Cha-li’s pet dog, and she is taking him for a jog around the place where she can monitor Robert's movements. Cha-li is saying this statement when asking Saddam to come out of the car so that they can go jogging. The reader realizes that Cha-li is not just an ordinary investigator but a strategic and intelligent person who does not want to leave footprints in her work.

"I knew you'd find me sooner or later."


Cha-li was on a mission to find Rose from the first day she doubted that she was the one hanging around with Robert. When Kai-yeh’s health got worse, he started mentioning the name 'Rose' and the indication that he wanted to see her. One day Cha-li was having a conversation with her adopted father, but the only thing he could mention was Rose. Cha-li continued on her mission to find Rose for investigative purposes and take her to Kai-yeh. At last, Cha-li was able to find Rose, and at first glance, Rose said that she knew, at last, they would meet.

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