The Man Who Wore His Wife's Sarong Literary Elements

The Man Who Wore His Wife's Sarong Literary Elements


Fictional short stories

Setting and Context

The book is written in the context of Singaporean taboos, prejudice and tension.

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

Educative, humorous

Protagonist and Antagonist

Charlie Wong is the protagonist of the story.

Major Conflict

The major conflict is that the physical outlook of the Singaporean city is deceiving to foreigners. In reality, the city is surrounded by poverty and cultural suppression.


The climax is attained when the author unsets Singapore's factual findings and urges oppressed people to speak up without fear.


Lesbianism foreshadows cultural modernism and the influence of the West in Singapore.


The dark side of Singapore is understated. Despite rampant defiance of cultural practices by the society, the city is outwardly made to look good in the eyes of tourists.


The story alludes to the dark side of Singapore.


The images of the corner house and Robina depict sight imagery.


The main paradox is that young men are chasing after older women leaving their young wives at home.


Men's adultery parallels women's thinking of their husbands because they argue that they are bewitched.

Metonymy and Synecdoche



Singapore is embodied as an immoral person.

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