The Great Escape


  • Steve McQueen as Captain Virgil Hilts ('The Cooler King'): one of three Americans in the camp, a particularly persistent escapee with an irreverent attitude.
  • James Garner as Flight Lieutenant Bob Hendley ('The Scrounger'): American RAF officer, responsible for finding materials on the black market for the escape attempt; forms a close friendship with Blythe.
  • Richard Attenborough as Squadron Leader Roger Bartlett ('Big X'): RAF officer and ringleader of the escape committee.
  • James Donald as Group Captain Ramsey ('The SBO'): most senior British & Allied officer in the camp, serves as an intermediary between the Germans and the POWs as their de facto leader.
  • Charles Bronson as Flight Lieutenant Danny Welinski ('Tunnel King'): Polish RAF officer; despite having dug 17 escape tunnels in other camps, is severely claustrophobic.
  • Donald Pleasence as Flight Lieutenant Colin Blythe ('The Forger'): mild-mannered English forger; forms close friendship with Hendley.
  • James Coburn as Flying Officer Sedgwick ('The Manufacturer'): an Australian officer who constructs tools for the escape.[note 1]
  • Hannes Messemer as Oberst von Luger ('The Kommandant'): Commandant of the camp and a senior Luftwaffe officer.
  • David McCallum as Lieutenant-Commander Eric Ashley-Pitt ('Dispersal'): a Fleet Air Arm officer; devises a way to get rid of the tunnel dirt.
  • Gordon Jackson as Flight Lieutenant Andy MacDonald ('Intelligence'): Bartlett's second-in-command.
  • John Leyton as Flight Lieutenant Willie Dickes ('Tunnel King'): Welinski's best friend and co-lead on tunnel design and construction.
  • Angus Lennie as Flying Officer Archie Ives ('The Mole'): anxious Scottish airman who befriends Hilts in the cooler.
  • Nigel Stock as Flight Lieutenant Dennis Cavendish ('The Surveyor'): surveys the tunnel routes.
  • Robert Graf as Werner ('The Ferret'): young, naive guard whom Hendley befriends and exploits for black market contraband.
  • Jud Taylor as Second Lieutenant Goff: the camp's third American.
  • Hans Reiser as Kuhn: Gestapo officer and ardent Nazi.
  • Harry Riebauer as Stabsfeldwebel Strachwitz: the senior NCO amongst the German guards.
  • William Russell as Sorren ('Security'): British officer.
  • Robert Freitag as Hauptmann Posen: von Luger's adjutant.
  • Ulrich Beiger as Preissen: Gestapo officer.
  • George Mikell as SD Hauptsturmführer Dietrich: SS officer.
  • Lawrence Montaigne as Haynes ('Diversions'): Canadian officer.
  • Robert Desmond as Griffith ('Tailor'): British officer; provides civilian clothes and military uniforms to disguise the escapees.
  • Til Kiwe as Frick
  • Heinz Weiss as Kramer
  • Tom Adams as Dai Nimmo ('Diversions'): Welsh officer.
  • Karl-Otto Alberty as SD Untersturmführer Steinach: SS officer.

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