Red Paint Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Red Paint Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

A rolled-up piece of linoleum

The rolled-up linoleum that Sasha's mother carried wherever they went symbolizes homelessness. While Sasha was growing up, her mother carried her linoleum as a temporary floor cover (bed) for her family. Sasha's parents never owned a home, and they used to relocate from one place to the other on the streets to find accommodation. The rolled-up linoleum was the only asset her mother owned, and they called it a temporary home.

The personal essay

The personal essay assigned to Sasha at the university during her final year symbolizes the painful past. The essay's title is sensitive, especially to a woman who has gone through a dark past. When Sasha starts to write her essay, she remembers how she suffered at the hands of rapists because she used to sleep on the streets as a teenager. In addition, the essay reminds Sasha of how her parents struggled to afford a single meal in a day. Consequently, the personal essay represents Sasha's dark past that still haunts her today.

Red paint

Red paint symbolizes courage. Despite Sasha's dark past, she is determined to steer through her painful memories to exploit her potential. When Sasha joins the university, she hopes for a better future. Sasha works extra hard in her studies to prove that nothing is impossible. The memoir's title, "Red Paint", represents the urge to fight relentlessly to navigate through challenges to achieve a set goal. Sasha's story is about the willpower to excel in life.

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