Poverty, by America Quotes


“Being poor,” they write, “reduces a person’s cognitive capacity more than going a full night without sleep.” When we are preoccupied by poverty, “we have less mind to give to the rest of life.” Poverty does not just deprive people of security and comfort; it siphons off their brainpower, too.[19]”

Behavioral scientists Sendhil Mullainathan and Eldar Shafir

In the given quote, behavioral scientists Sendhil Mullainathan and Eldar Shafir emphasize the cognitive toll that poverty exacts on individuals. The comparison to going without sleep underscores the severity of this impact. The concept of a "bandwidth tax" is introduced, describing how poverty preoccupies the mind with immediate concerns such as overdue bills or job loss at the expense of broader considerations. This cognitive preoccupation akin to a mental burden, diverts attention and mental resources away from other aspects of life, hindering the individual's ability to make informed decisions and realize their full potential.

“liberals have a despondency problem: fluent in the language of grievance and bumbling in the language of repair.”

The Narrator

The narrator laments that despite the significant success of the Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) program and other poverty reduction measures, there was a lack of celebration and acknowledgment. The passage argues that liberals often focus on criticizing problems without adequately championing effective policies. The author encourages a shift in perspective, urging liberals to not only identify issues but also actively support and celebrate successful initiatives, fostering a more constructive and optimistic approach to social and political challenges.

“Choosing to have a child outside of marriage may be an individual choice, but condemning many of those parents and their children to a life of poverty is a societal one.”

The Narrator

The statement acknowledges that the decision to have a child outside of marriage is presented as an individual choice, recognizing the personal autonomy individuals have in making such decisions. However, the argument implies that societal structures and policies contribute significantly to the economic hardships faced by single-parent families. By highlighting the impact of societal choices, the author suggests that addressing poverty associated with single parenthood requires a broader societal response including the implementation of supportive policies such as paid family leave, affordable childcare, and universal pre-K.

“Our lives are tangibly impacted in countless ways—not only by things beyond our control but also by the relentless irrationality of the world.”

The Narrator

In the given quote, the author underscores the pervasive and tangible influence of external factors on individuals' lives. The statement acknowledges that people experience a myriad of circumstances that are beyond their control, emphasizing the unpredictability and irrationality of the world. This recognition extends beyond factors like personal effort or meritocracy, suggesting that life outcomes are not solely determined by individual choices or hard work.

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