I Know This to Be True: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the most famous phrase of Ruth Ginsburg?

    Ginsburg's calling was to fight for women's rights in all aspects. While working as the second female justice in the Supreme Court, Ginsburg used the Constitution effectively to fight all types of discrimination against women. One of Ginsburg's memorable phrases is when she said, "It takes not only talent, but readiness to work harder, to actualize dreams." Ginsburg's dream was to be an influential female lawyer on the front line fighting against female discrimination. Despite going through many hurdles, at last, Ginsburg became a famous female constitutional lawyer, and she diligently fought for women's rights.

  2. 2

    Ginsburg’s motivation to fight for women’s rights is based on her personal experiences as a woman. Show how the author illustrates this statement.

    The author takes the readers back to Ginsburg's childhood and what she went through before becoming a constitutional judge. As a young girl, Ginsburg observed how women were unfairly treated in society. Ruth was brought up in a patriarchal society that valued boys more than girls. Girls were married off at a young age, and they were considered as objects of men. After finishing her law degree, Ruth struggled to find a job because she was a woman, and the law profession was regarded as the men's job. Throughout her life's experiences, Ginsburg promised herself that she would work extremely hard to fight for women's rights. When Ginsburg finally got an opportunity to work in the Supreme Court, she utilized her entire career to fighting for women's rights.

  3. 3

    What important lesson did Ruth learn from her husband?

    Ginsburg was lucky to be married to a man who was open-minded and embraced women's empowerment. Before marrying Martin, Ruth expressed her fears about male chauvinism, but to her surprise, he was ready to help her achieve her full potential. Ruth had the best support from her husband in whatever she did, and she realized that women could only achieve their potential when they have supportive men around them who share similar objectives. Therefore, Ruth urges men to join women in fighting the inequalities and injustices projected towards women. On that note, women should note that it is crucial to involve men in feminist activities and seek their support if they want to be entirely successful.

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