Dune Messiah Characters

Dune Messiah Character List

Paul Atreides

Paul becomes the new emperor after he destroys all his enemies. Before becoming an emperor, Paul unleashed a jihadist group that killed billions of people. The jihadist group gives Paul massive power to control everything in the kingdom. Paul controls Spice's production, which gives him immense power. However, Paul uses his prescience to see the future and discovers that the jihadists will be more disastrous in the coming years.

Paul decides to strategize on destroying the jihadist group he initially used to become the emperor. However, it will not be easy because he has several enemies who control jihadist activities. Several people begin to plot how to assassinate Paul, but he discovers their plans and takes caution. One day, Paul comes across an explosive set to kill him. Fortunately, he survives but becomes blind. Using his prescient power, Paul can navigate the environment around him. Later, Paul hands power to his sister, who destroys all those who want to Kill Paul except Irulan.


Scytale works closely with Edric, Helen and Princess Irulan to kill Paul. Scytale tricks Paul with a gift, which can help the enemies trace him. Scytale sets an atomic bomb called a stone burner to kill Paul. Fortunately, the atomic bomb is detonated when Paul approaches it, though he becomes blind.

Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam

Reverend Mohiam leads a matriarchal order, which feels threatened by Paul’s leadership. Reverend Mohiam joins other forces that want to destroy Paul and dethrone him from power. Reverend Mohiam pays Princes Irulan to bring Paul into their trap.


Edric is a space navigator and leads conspirators against Paul's leadership. Edric understands how Paul's prescience works, and this helps him to guide others on how to kill Paul. Fortunately, the plot fails, and Paul survives to the end.

Princess Irulan

Princess Irulan is Paul's consort, though he refuses to get her pregnant. Paul is in love with his concubine called, Chani. Paul wants Chani to give him an heir to his kingdom. Therefore, Princes Irulan is ready to work with Paul's enemies to bring him down.


Chani is Paul's lover. Paul loves Chani and wants to have children with her after becoming emperor. However, Chan fails to get pregnant several times, because Princess Irulan secretly interferes with her diet. Later, Chan adjusts her diet, and she becomes pregnant. Unfortunately, after giving birth, she dies.


Alia is Paul’s sister who falls in love with Hayt. After Paul walks into the desert, he commands Alia to take care of his son until he matures to take over the kingdom's leadership. Hayt works closely with Alia to uncover the people who plotted to kill Paul. After discovering those who tried to kill Paul, Alia destroys all of them except Princess Irulan.

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