Divine Rivals Quotes


“I don't think you realize how strong you are, because sometimes strenght isn't swords and steel and fire, as we are so often made to believe. Sometimes it's found in quiet, gentle places.”


Carver is addressing Iris and offering a nuanced perspective on strength. The assertion that Iris may not fully grasp her strength challenges conventional notions of bravery associated with warfare symbols like swords, steel, and fire. The reference to "quiet, gentle places" suggests that strength can manifest in the tender moments of holding someone's hand during grief, listening to others, and persisting day after day despite weariness or fear. This redefinition of strength challenges the stereotypical, machismo-laden image often linked with courage, proposing a more inclusive and compassionate understanding of what it means to be strong.

“The days to come will only grow darker. And when you find something good? You hold on to it. You don't waste time worrying about things that won't even matter in the end. Rather, you take a risk for that light.”

Roman's grandmother

In the quoted passage, Roman's grandmother imparts a profound wisdom to him, reflecting on the inevitability of approaching challenges and uncertainties in the future. Her advice emphasizes the importance of cherishing and preserving what brings light and positivity into one's life. By urging Roman to hold on to "something good," she advocates for embracing moments of happiness and connection like the newfound relationship with Iris. The counsel discourages unnecessary worry about trivial matters that may not hold significance in the grander scheme of life.

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