Daughter of the Deep Literary Elements

Daughter of the Deep Literary Elements


Science fiction novel

Setting and Context

Written in the context of exploration and adventure

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

Adventurous and sad

Protagonist and Antagonist

Ana Dakkar is the protagonist of the novel.

Major Conflict

The conflict is that Ana Dakkar joins Harding—Pencroft Academy to study marine exploration without knowing how it will end.


The climax is when Ana and her brother discover that their parents succumbed and passed away during an expedition in the same academy they are learning.


The secretive final trials at the academy foreshadowed the dead of Ana’s parents.


The ability of Ana to discover the truth about the death of her parents is understated.


The story alludes to the events unfolding in the undersea world, which are adventures and rivalry.


The undersea imagery depicts a sense of sight, which helps readers see the events such as adventure and rivalry that take place underwater.


The main paradox is that the academy kept the secret about Ana's parents' death, but she discovered it at last.


The underwater events parallel everyday happenings on the dry land.

Metonymy and Synecdoche



The undersea is embodied as rivalry and adventures.

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