"Against the Pleasure Principle" and Other Stories Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

"Against the Pleasure Principle" and Other Stories Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Female circumcision

Female circumcision is the pervading motif in “Against the Pleasure Principle”. Patriarchy-related goals, which are egoistical, encourage the practice in Somalia. Female circumcision is so pervasive that even woman who are somehow exposed or knowledgeable and experienced still perpetuate it.

Tin drums

The tin drums are used during circumcision to drown the girls screams. The drums represent the censorship of female voices (through circumcision). No matter how loud they cry, their voices are subdued making it possible for female circumcision to thrive.

Female circumcision

Dahabo’s doctor cried after hearing a first hand account on the circumcision of girls in Somali. Her tears are symbolic of empathy. She empathizes with her because she knows that circumcision, literally, destroyed her womanhood.

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