"Against the Pleasure Principle" and Other Stories Characters

"Against the Pleasure Principle" and Other Stories Character List


She is the Protagonist in “Against the pleasure Principle.” Since she is circumcised. Her mother does not want her to accompany her husband, who has earned a scholarship, to America as she (Rahma’s mother) believes it would be complicated for her to give birth there.

Rahma’s mother

She is a conservative woman. She strives to argue daughter out of moving to America alongside her husband. She uses other women who have to America to talk Rahma out of her plan.


Hawa is a Somali woman who studied in the USA. She narrates the awkward encounters she has there, due to her circumcised status, to dishearten Rahma.


Dahabo is a casualty of genital mutilation. She too has a dreadful encounter with her doctor as a result of the circumcision.

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