Z For Zachariah

What caused Ann to move back to her cave?

Chapter 17-23

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Ann decides to move back to the cave after asking Loomis if he ever got married. Mr. Loomis looks at her in peculiar way, and says that he thought she was going to ask that question. He reaches over and grabs her hand, taking it very quickly and hard, and pulls it to his chair, jerking Ann towards him. He says that he never got married. Afterwards, Ann feels embarrassed, awkward, and afraid. Mr. Loomis asks her why she asked that question. She says that she was just interested. Mr. Loomis tells her she should not have done that. In the kitchen, Ann shakes so hard that at first she cannot continue cooking. Mr. Loomis walks back to the bedroom by himself, and Ann feels as if by grabbing her hand the way he did he was taking charge or possession. He was trying to control her. For that reason, though his walking back to the bed without help should be something to celebrate, it instead makes Ann uneasy.


Z For Zachariah