
What is the author’s purpose in telling the “Bleeding Scream” scene from Jack Will’s point of view?


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In repeating the story of the "Bleeding Scream" from Jack's point of view, we are better able to understand Jack, his actions, and ultimately, his confusion. What makes this ironic is the fact that Jack is completely ignorant of his own actions.... he spoke to the other boys never knowing what he said was overheard (by Auggie), and in having his own private pity party, he blames Auggie for the glitch in their friendship. This is important because we all need to learn to be careful of what we say, as you never know when you're going to hurt someone else's feelings.... even, unintentionally. Jack's words hurt Auggie, and they hurt the boys' friendship.... the only good thing that comes out of it is the fact that Jack is actually learning to value their friendship.

