
On page 43 you learn that what's lamb to slaughter means when always decided to research the phrase on Google describe what the term means in your own words and then describe what the term means in your own words and then decide if you believe it is an ac


On page 43 you learn that what's lamb to slaughter means when always decided to research the phrase on Google describe what the term means in your own words and then describe what the term means in your own words and then decide if you believe it is an accurate description of August going to school for the first time

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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In context, this is an apt description. Auggie is an innocent, and he has been protected by his parents and his sister. In going to school, Auggie must face the cruelty of the world and the way people react to him on his own. Fortunately, there are still those who can see beyond appearances and differences and embrace the person. He has no idea what to expect.

