

1. How does Via react to Auggie’s facial difference? How is her life affected by how Auggie looks?
2. She says, “I’m always going to be the sister of a kid with a birth defect: that’s not the issue. I just don’t want to be defined that way.” (page 91) What does Via mean by these words?
3. How could her parents help Via’s life be more normal even though Auggie’s isn’t?
4. What sacrifices does Via have to make in her relationship with her parents?

1. What are the characteristics of a good friend? Which of Auggie’s friends demonstrate these qualities?
2. How does Auggie’s ability to be comfortable in his own skin make it easier for his friends and family to relate to him?
3. Share examples from the book to support your responses.

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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Once again, Via wants her "own" identity. She doesn't want to be known as nothing more than Auggie's sister, and her identity is not shaped by her brother's deformity.

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