Wings of Desire Quotes


"Isn't life under the sun just beautiful?"

Little Girl

Cassiel looks on as a little girl is made ready for the day by her mother. The little girl's body needs braces for her legs as they are not fully developed and she wears thick glasses for her to see. The statement is ironic in that the little girl could be one to complain about life, but instead life is beautiful the way she sees it.

"How should I live? Maybe that's not the question. How should I think?"


Marion thinks this while alone waiting for the circus to be shut down where she works. This statement informs us that our thoughts dictate how we live our lives, and thus we could all be asking the wrong question.

"Once mankind loses its storyteller, it loses it's childhood."


Homer is an older man who walks the street of Berlin to remember the stories it holds. He says this while looking through photographs of men and women at the library. He understand that the stories we tell allow us to know where we come from, and they keep us youthful.

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