Wings of Desire Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does Wenders use his camera to connect the world of the angels to the viewer?

    Wenders uses what could be considered a gliding or floating camera to create the effect that we are soaring on wings as if we are angels. This imagery creates an atmosphere that allows the audience to understand they are experiencing the world from an angelic perspective, in the spiritual realm. Thus allowing them to connect the imagery to their lives in what is not seen every day, but perhaps felt.

  2. 2

    Why is Berlin such an important location for the film?

    The film takes place in Berlin 1987 during the Cold War. The Communist German government and built a wall to divide East and West Berlin and thus East and West Germany. There is a separation between the country which becomes the separation between humanity and eternity, symbolized in the angels' story with the world. We also watch as Homer, an older gentleman walks through the war torn streets where he once grew up to find there is only mud and rubble remaining after WWII. The death of war still haunts the city and it permeates the thoughts of the survivors. Thus Berlin is a location with deep history of division and Wenders uses this division to create a pathway for connection through Damiel and Marion's relationship.

  3. 3

    What is the symbolism that can come from Peter Falk's presence in the film?

    Peter Falk plays himself in the film, an actor working on a movie in Berlin. Damiel goes to Peter in his angelic form and Peter senses him. Ironically, once Damiel becomes human Falk immediately recognizes him. But when Cassiel comes to Falk and Falk senses him he does not shake the man's hand as Damiel did. This is a moment that can be left up to interpretation, but I believe relates to the fall of angels and of the devil. That his desire to experience life for its pleasures draws others to do the same. Thus when Cassiel stands full of feeling and not shaking Falk's hand he is angry at him for taking away his friend, his companion from him for eternity in exchange for the momentary pleasures within time.

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