Windward Heights Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How relevant is the book ‘Windward Heights' in the context of the real world?

    The book depicts betrayal, which is a reality in the current world. Catherine is in love with Razye since childhood, and they hope to get married. Razye is an adopted orphan by Catherine’s father. However, things take a drastic turn after the death of Gagneur, Catherine's father. Justin, Catherine’s brother, takes charge of the Estate and reduces Razye to a mere servant. Catherine is no more in love with Razye because he is now a servant, and she wants to be married to a rich man. Later, Catherine betrays Razye when she decides to get married to a richer white man.

  2. 2

    Using the book ‘‘Windward Heights' authenticates the assumption that one's fate cannot be compromised.

    The twist of events in the book 'Windward Heights' is paradoxical. Razye is brought into the family by Gagneur as an orphan. Razye is introduced as a poor boy who does not have accommodation, but he gets home through the well-wisher. Cathy and Gagneur love Razye. Gagneur treats Razye equally with his two children, Cathy and Justin. However, Justin is not happy with the presence of Razye because he thinks that he will fight for his inheritance. When Gagneur dies, Justin takes everything given to Razye and forces him to be a servant. Cathy also rejects Razye when she gets married to a white tycoon. Razye decides to leave the Gagneur family and relocates to Cuba, where he later acquires a handsome fortune. Razye chooses to get back and revenge against Cathy and her brother, Justin. When Razye arrives, he participates in the game cards with Justin. Justin wagers his entire fortune, but he loses to Razye. Razye becomes the richest man in existence. Therefore, despite being a poor orphan boy, Razye ends up being the wealthiest man.

  3. 3

    Does the author justify that women are scared of marrying poor men?

    Cathy is not marrying Aymeric de Linsseul for love but his wealth. Cathy represents many women in society who are after rich men, which is a behavior that must be condemned. According to the author, wealth is created, and it should not dictate love. Cathy refuses to marry Razye because he has been reduced to a servant. Later, Cathy regrets her decision when she realizes that Razye is the richest man. As a result, Cathy dies of depression. Therefore, wealth should not substitute true love because it leads to an unhappy ending.

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