Whores for Gloria Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Whores for Gloria Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Gloria (Symbol)

Gloria is most likely a figment of the protagonist’s imagination. Therefore she is an idea that symbolizes the protagonist’s state of mind as he obsesses about her. Jimmy is an alcoholic Vietnam veteran; hence, he is likely traumatized and disillusioned by life in general. He seeks to feel through alcoholism and find beauty through his delusions since the real world does not cut it. Gloria symbolizes the last optimism Jimmy has about his life and the world hence her romanticized nature.

Addiction (Motif)

The narrative takes place on the backdrop of the grim, mean, and desperate inner-city streets. Thus, it delves into the underworld of drugs, alcohol, and prostitution and how they enable the character's habits. Through the protagonist, the reader observes alcohol and sex addictions that foster his delusions. It also showcases drug fiends who seek to get a fix to cater to their addictions.

Self-destruction (Motif)

This underworld is filled with mentally unstable characters with addictions and self-destructive behaviors. Thus the rejects and the forgotten are the focus as they encompass the characters in the tale. The mood and spirit of the narrative are derived from the dingy and debauched setting of drug fiends, prostitutes, criminals, and pimps. The characters exhibit self-destructive tendencies such as drug abuse, fornication, self-harm, extreme fetishes, and suicide. They engage in these activities to cater to their immediate needs without considering the consequences.

Jimmy’s obsession (Allegory)

The tale delves into the notion of male obsession with an ideal female with perfect qualities. However, Jimmy’s obsession is a notch higher because it is borderline psychotic because his fixation becomes more delusional. Jimmy is traumatized and he is spiraling into addictions and delusions of which he is aware. Therefore, his obsession playing out to its ultimate peak is an allegory to the process of denial during mental instability. Simply put, the fantasies of a neurotic individual have to become too irrational for them to admit their state of mind.

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